I was so excited when Lindsay and Gordon hired me to play for their ceremony at Callanwolde. IÂ was practically drooling at the idea of playing on their Baldwin baby grand piano surrounded by those beautiful hardwood floors and amazing staircases.
Then a few weeks before the wedding, Gordon told me that their plans had changed slightly, and that it would be an outdoor ceremony.
Of course, I needn’t have worried …

All photos used with kind permission of PaperLily Photography
Now, what was I saying? I was disappointed because the wedding was outdoors?!?
Hel-lo! Are you kidding me? This was one of the most beautiful grounds I’d ever seen — and, of course, perfect weather.
Yes, what a terrible, sad disappointment for me to have play in this environment, LOL!
Lindsay and Gordon requested several specific songs, which was great because I got to learn some really nice one. During the prelude, for example, I played “Riverside Walk,” which is the theme from the Sandra Bullock movie “While You Were Sleeping.”
If you look closely to the left of the photo, you can see part of me and my digital piano.
Want to know a really, really beautiful song for the processional/ Christine Perri’s “A Thousand Years. This was my first time playing it. It was a perfect choice.
A Thousand Years — Christina Perri
After the bridesmaids had entered, I heard some laughter. I think this is why:
I think someone may have been a wee bit confused about where to go!
The ring bearer, on the other hand, did not seem at all confused.
Lindsay and Gordon picked a great song for the recessional as well — Stevie Wonder’s “Signed, Sealed, Delivered.”
Since I played for the ceremony only, “Party Time” Â meant that it was time for me to pack up and head home …

But since Endive Catering did the reception, I knew everybody was in for a real treat.
A big thanks to Christy at Paperlily Photography for sharing these photos, and a shout out to Melissa at Pretty Swell Parties for bringing everything together!