Weddings mean photos — and usually LOTS of them! A 4×6 wedding photo album (or two) is a quick and fairly inexpensive way to keep your special photos sorted, safe, and accessible.
Even if you get an album from your wedding photographer, you might want to also have a smaller album for extra photos. (For example, we have an album of all the shots one of my uncles took.)
Here are a few different 4×6 wedding photo albums to choose from, along with their pros and cons.
4×6 Wedding Photo Album

This 4×6 wedding album can only hold up to 100 4×6 photos. (It can not hold 5×7 photos.) The right side of the album has space for writing, which is always a big plus with me. (I’ve always been mildly irked at photos in general that have no caption or description with them.)
I would not recommend this to use as a “main album,” but maybe as an extra album for spare photos (like the one I mentioned above of my uncle’s shots). Not only is it fairly small, but the binding is flimsy (dare I say “cheaply made”?) and I wouldn’t be surprised if the spine fell apart or the binding tears after a fair amount of us.
If you’re looking for something higher quality (and yes, more expensive), then consider …
Personalized 4×6 Wedding Photo Album

This personalized 4×6 wedding Album holds 200 4×6 photos and has the words, “This day I will Marry my friend/ The one, I laugh with, live for, dream with and love” laser engraved onto leather.
The album is personalized with the bride and groom’s names and wedding date at no extra cost. It’s well-made and quite lovely.
4×6 Album for Weddings That Holds 200 Photos

This diamond ribbon 4×6 photo album also holds 200 photos and has space on the side for writing notes, which of course earns some points with me. (Did I mention that I get easily annoyed with photos that have no caption or description with them?)
The album has a fitted plastic dust cover, which is very smart for a book with a white (actually, ivory) fabric cover that you never know whose grubby hands might get on.
The inside pages are slightly yellowed and have an “antique paper” quality to them.
One downside of this album is that it can only hold horizontal (or “landscape”) 4×6 photos, and not vertical ones, so it may not be able to accommodate a lot of your photos, depending on what you have.
I chose to focus on only 4×6 photo albums in this post … but if you’re looking for a 5×7 album, you could check out this one or this one.
Wherever you choose to store your photos … enjoy them, and don’t forget to look at them often over the years!